Sunday, July 10, 2011

Almost Walls

Not too much photo-worthy progress as of late.  But here are the walls - almost.  Sheet rock will begin next week.
Front Bedroom closet with storage area above (and the floor to be re-installed in a pile)
Second Bathroom - note the lovely transom window over the tub
Middle bedroom closet - also with storage above.  To the right of the closet is the chase sending all the duct work into the attic
View of the master bedroom through the middle bedroom wall
Master bathroom tub 
Master bathroom with vaulted (or is it cathedral???) ceilings
Kitchen window - the sink will be under the window, then the dishwasher and then the refrigerator
The pantry on the left and hot water heater closet on the right (kitchen sink/window is behind me)
The laundry room - through the dining room wall
On the left is the new entry door - on the right is the laundry room.
Same area as above but now you can see the door
Back of the dining room - french doors to the back yard
New front porch - nice and level.  No need for a rail as it is not too high off the ground. 
Side of the house - note the transom window from the new bathroom.
New side entry
Better view of side entry and porch - this porch will have a railing
Back of the house
Garden (needing to be weeded)
Baby zucchini

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